Back home 4. Appendix down Contents

Poses++ Syntax Overview
Distribution functions
Animation functions
Layout and Animation command syntax
Poses++ Client API
Command line options and parameters
Hardware and Software Environment
Contact & Copyright

4.1. Poses++ Syntax Overview top of page down Contents

The syntax survey is given in an extended Backus-Naur form. Terminal symbols are represented in bold type font and non terminal symbols are represented with an italic type font. A syntax rule has the following form:

NonTerminalSymbol: syntactic construction
                   alternativ syntactic construction

Optional parts of syntactic constrcution are enclosed in a pair of [] brackets. Repeatedly usable parts of syntatctic constructions are enclosed in a pair of {} brackets. Comments follow the C++ syntax conventions.

Poses++ programs can be written in a free format. Blanks, tabs, new-line characters and comments are ignored unless they serve for separation of designators, constants or keywords. Additionally Poses++ supports also the precompiler directives adopted from C/C++.

    [ ImportStatment ] [ GlobalDeclarationList ]

    import ImportFile [ { , ImportFile } ] ; // import source1, "source 2";

    FileNameBody       // a file name body like an identifier
    "FileNameBody"     // a file name body with spaces, leading digits, ...

    GlobalDeclarationList GlobalDeclaration

    CFunctionPrototype // subset of C/C++ declartions for function prototypes

    CTypeDeclaration   // subset of C/C++ declartions for data types

    CharacterSequence // leading letter, followed by digits or underscore

ModuleDeclaration: ModuleType [ ModuleDeclaratorList ] ; // module Name { ... }; ModuleDeclaratorList: ModuleDeclarator ModuleDeclaratorList , ModuleDeclarator ModuleDeclarator: ModuleName [ ( ModuleConstructorList ) ] ModuleConstructorList: ModuleConstructorAssignment ModuleConstructorList , ModuleConstructorAssignment ModuleConstructorAssignment: ParameterName = ParameterName PredicateName = PredicateName ModuleInstanceName = ModuleInstanceName ModuleType: [module] ModuleTypeName [ ModuleDefinition ] ModuleTypeName: Identifier ModuleDefinition: { ModuleMemberList } ModuleMemberList: CDeclaration ModuleMemberDeclaration [ModuleMemberList] AccessSpecifier : [ModuleMemberList] AccessSpecifier: private public ModuleMemberDeclaration: ModuleDeclaration ParameterDeclaration PredicateDeclaration MatchVariableDeclaration TransitionDeclaration
ParameterDeclaration: CDeclaration // subset of C/C++ declartions for data member including initial assignments
PredicateDeclaration: PredicateType PredicateDeclaratorList ; // buffer<int,2> P1, P2(3), P3 << 1; PredicateDeclaratorList: PredicateDeclarator PredicateDeclartorList , PredicateDeclarator PredicateDeclarator: PredicateName [ PredicateConstructor ] [ InitArcExpression ] PredicateName: Identifier PredicateConstructor: ( PredicateCapacity ) PredicateTypeDeclaration: typedef PredicateType Identifier ; // typedef ram<int> TRamInt; PredicateType: place [ < PredicateCapacity > ] PredicateAccessSpecifier < CType [ , PredicateCapacity ] > PrecicateAccessSpecifier: buffer ram fifo lifo fiforam liforam PredicateCapacity: CExpression // subset of C/C++ expressions
TransitionDeclaration: trans TransitionName [ ( TransitionConstructorList ) ] { TransitionBody } TransitionName: Identifier TransitionConstructorList: TransitionConstructorAssignment TransitionConstructorList , TransitionConstructorAssignment TransitionConstructorAssignment: TransitionProperty = CExpression TransitionProperty: priority parallel firetime life TransitionBody: [ [ MatchVariableDeclaration ] { ArcDeclaration } ] [ TransitionAction ] TransitionAction: action { CCode } // CCode contains variable declaration and statements including if/else
ArcDeclaration: PredicateName ArcExpression ; // P >> card(4),x,cond(x>5); InitArcExpression: << Token [ { , Token } ] ; ArcExpression: { InputArcExpression } { TestArcExpression } { SearchArcExpression } { InhibitorArcExpression } { OutputArcExpression } InputArcExpression: >> [ CardExpression , ] MatchExpression [ , ConditionExpression ] [ , TimeExpression ] TestArcExpression: ?> [ CardExpression , ] MatchExpression [ , ConditionExpression ] SearchArcExpression: ?? [ CardExpression , ] MatchExpression [ , ConditionExpression ] InhibitorArcExpression: !! [ CardExpression , ] MatchExpression [ , ConditionExpression ] OutputArcExpression: << [ CardExpression , ] Token [ , TimeExpression ] CardExpression: card ( CExpression ) MatchExpression: CExpression $ _ MatchVariableName StructuredMatchExpression StructuredMatchExpression: { MatchSubExpression [ , MatchSubExpression ] } MatchSubExpression: CExpression _ MatchVariableName StructuredMatchExpression ConditionExpression: cond ( CExpression ) TimeExpression: time ( TimeTerm ) // TimeTerm is any term based on the predefined data type time Token: SimpleToken StructuredToken SimpleToken: CExpression $ MatchVariableName StructuredToken: { TokenPart [ , TokenPart ] } TokenPart: CExpression MatchVariableName StructuredToken
MatchVariableDeclaration: match MatchVariableName [ { , MatchVariableName } ] ; MatchVariableName: Identifier

4.2. Distribution functions up down Contents

Poses++ supports the following functions of distribution. You must include the header file posdistr.h to use these functions:

#include "posdistr.h"

unsigned Pos_Equal (unsigned minValue , unsigned maxValue); // equal distribution between minValue and maxValue unsigned Pos_Normal (unsigned aV, unsigned sD); // normal distribution parametrized by the average value aV and the // standard deviation sD unsigned Pos_LogNormal (unsigned aV, unsigned sD); // logatithmic normal distribution parametrized by the average value aV // and the standard deviation sD unsigned Pos_Exponential (unsigned eV); // exponential distribution parametrized by the expected value eX unsigned Pos_Gamma (unsigned eX, unsigned eC); // gamma distribution parametrized by the expected value eX and // the expected coefficient eC unsigned Pos_Poisson (unsigned eX); // poisson distribution parametrized by the expected value eX. // Pos_Exponential(EX) == Pos_Gamma(EX,1)

4.3. Animation functions up down Contents

Poses++ supports the following functions of animation. You must include the header file posanim.h to use these functions:

#include "posanim.h"

Pos_AnimShow (string Tag, int Show);
// Show (Show = 1) or hide (Show = 0) all objects in tag Tag.

Pos_AnimCoords (string Tag, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2);
// Set for all objects in tag Tag new values for the coordinates
// x1, y1 and x2, y2.

Pos_AnimAngle (string Tag, float a);
// Set for all objects in tag Tag the new angle a relating to z axis.

Pos_AnimAngle (string Tag, float a, float x, float y);
// Set for all objects in tag Tag the new angle a relating to z axis
// and reference the point x, y.

Pos_AnimPos (string Tag, float x, float y, float z);
// Set the position of all objects in tag Tag to the point x, y, z.

Pos_AnimMove (string Tag, float x, float y, float z);
// Move all objects in tag Tag relativ by direction x, y, z.

Pos_AnimRotate (string Tag, float a);
// Rotate all objects in tag Tag on the the angle a
// relating to the z axis.

Pos_AnimRotate (string Tag, float a, float x, float y);
// Rotate all objects in tag Tag on the angle a relating to
// the z axis and the reference point x, y.

Pos_AnimScale (string Tag, float x, float y);
// Scale up or scale down all objects in tag Tag
// for the factors x and y.

Pos_AnimScale (string Tag, float x, float y, float px, float py);
// Scale up or scale down all objects in tag Tag for the dimension
// x, y starting from the origin point px, py.

Pos_AnimEdge (string Tag, float r, float g, float b);
// Set for all objects in tag Tag the new edge color in 
// RGB format.

Pos_AnimFace (string Tag, float r, float g, float b);
// Set for all objects in tag Tag the new face color in 
// RGB format.

Pos_AnimWidth (string Tag, unsigned int Width);
// Set for all objects in tag Tag the new line width to Width.

Pos_AnimChangeText (string Tag, string Text);
// Set for all objects in tag Tag the new text Text.

Pos_AnimCmd (string Cmd);
// Send the common animation command Cmd
// (see also: animation command syntax).

4.4. Layout and animation command syntax up down Contents

Poses++ animation layouts and Poses++ animation commands sent from a simulation server use the following syntax definition:

GlobalCmd  : connect host port user password
           | stop [step]
           | play [step]
           | limit [count]
           | timewarp [info | value]
           | minpos
           | mintime
           | maxpos
           | maxtime
           | mode [event | time]
           | world Tag (Option)
           | camera Tag (Option)
           | delete (Tag | Item)
           | remote ...
           | synchron ["0" | "1"]

WorldCmd   : line x1 y1 x2 y2 {xn yn} {Option}
           | poly x1 y1 x2 y2 {xn yn} {Option}
           | line x1 y1 x2 y2 {Option}
           | oval x1 y1 x2 y2 {Option}
           | bezier x1 y1 cx1 cy1 cx2 cy2 x2 y2 {xn yn ...} {Option}
           | arc x1 y1 x2 y2 a1 a2 {Option}
           | text {Option}
           | bitmap {Option}
           | tag {Option}
           | object File Tag {Option}
           | type Item
           | delete (Tag | Item)
           | show (Tag | Item) ["0" | "1"]
           | pos (Tag | Item) [x y z]
           | move (Tag | Item) [x y z]
           | scale (Tag | Item) sx sy [x y]
           | angle (Tag | Item) [a [x y]]
           | rotate (Tag | Item) [a [x y]]
           | edge (Tag | Item) [r g b]
           | face (Tag | Item) [r g b]
           | width (Tag | Item) [w]
           | linestyle (Tag | Item) [LineStyle]
           | anchor (Tag | Item) [Anchor]
           | coords (Tag | Item) [x1 y1 ... xn yn]
           | sector (Tag | Item) [a1 a2]
           | bind (Tag | Item) Event [Binding]
           | config (Tag | Item) {Option}
           | tags Item [Tags]
           | items Tag [Items]
           | version
           | load File
           | save File
           | update ["0" | "1"]
           | all ["tags"]
           | enclosed x1 y1 x2 y2
           | overlapping x1 y1 x2 y2
           | background [r g b]
           | foreground [r g b]
           | set [Any]

CameraCmd  : pos [x y z]
           | move [x y z]
           | scale [sx sy]
           | zoom [zx zy]
           | face [r g b]
           | anchor [Anchor]
           | coords
           | bind Event [Binding]
           | config {Option}
           | world [WorldName]
           | scroll [sx sy]
           | set [Any]
           | window [x1 y1 x2 y2]
           | fps [value]   // frames per second

Option     : -type
           | -show ["0" | "1"]
           | -pos [x y z]
           | -move [x y z]
           | -scale sx sy [px py]
           | -angle [x y z]
           | -rotate [x y z]
           | -edge [r g b]
           | -face [r g b]
           | -width [w]
           | -linestyle [LineStyle]
           | -anchor [Anchor]
           | -coords [x1 y1 ... xn yn]
           | -sector [a1 a2]
           | -bind Event [Binding]
           | -tags [Tags]
           | -items [Items]
           | -text [Text]
           | -font [Font]
           | -point [Point]
           | -bitmap [Bitmap]

Tags       : [+ | -] {Tag}
Items      : [+ | -] {Item}
Anchor     : {center | left | right | top | bottom}
LineStyle  : {solid | dash | dot | dashdot | dashdotdot}

Event      : <Idle>
           | <Key>
           | <MouseMove>
           | <LeftButtonUp>
           | <LeftButtonDown>
           | <LeftButtonDblClk>
           | <RightButtonUp>
           | <RightButtonDown>
           | <RightButtonDblClk>

Key        : " " | ... | "~"
           | Back
           | Tab
           | Return
           | Escape
           | Prior
           | Next
           | End
           | Home
           | Left
           | Up

Binding    : ["+"] BindingCode
BindingVar : %c # CameraName
           | %i # Item
           | %k # Key
           | %w # WorldName
           | %x # Mouse-X-Pos
           | %y # Mouse-Y-Pos

All animations commands from the simulation server are world commands.

4.5. Poses++ Client API up down Contents

Poses++ components communicate via network using UDP und TCP/IP:

Client server principle

Representation of the Poses++ communication principle

On top of these basic network protocol the implemented communication is based on ASCII commands and answers using TCL as interpreter language. A Poses++ Client uses two kinds of connections:

connections to Poses++ daemons and Poses++ shells after a successful login
connection to a Poses++ server tasks

With the following sequence a client establishs the necessary connections:

1. Detect the machines in a network which actually run a Poses++ daemon with a broadcast to port 1501. All machines with an active Poses++ daemon will answer with theire host name.
2. Connect a daemon on either the local or a remote machine with a TCP/IP connection to port 1501. On this connection the Poses++ daemon commands are valid.
3. Login at the daemon connection with the command login account password. Now the Poses++ shell commands are valid on this connection. The shell offers possibilities to build the model code and also to start Poses++ server tasks. Starting a server will answer with the TCP/IP port number the server accuired.
4. Ask the shell to build the necessary model binary files.
5. Ask the shell for the running Poses++ server tasks on this machine or use the port number from the server start to establish a TCP/IP connection to the Poses++ server you want to connect. On such a connection the Poses++ server commands are valid.
6. Connect the Poses++ server to run and observe simulation experiments.
7./8. Start animation player as a second simulation client which will connect the same simulation server immediately.

To help you avoiding detailed effort implementing the network communication all necessary communication routines are implmented in the Poses++ Client API. This is a library (posclient.dll / as part of our distribution. You will find it in the respective binary directory of your Poses++ installation (f.i. .../Poses++ 1.7/bin/x86/Linux). To use this library in C/C++ you will find a header posclient.h in the include directory: .../Poses++ 1.7/inc. For developers using Borland's Delphi a corresponding C to Pascal wrapper unit posclient.pas you will find in: .../Poses++ 1.7/lib. If requested a Kylix unit should be not a serious problem.
Based on these client tools a client command interpreter (posconsole.exe / posconsole) is also available in the binary directory of your Poses++ installation. For the commands to handle the communication please refer to the header a header file posclient.h.

Communication principle

All communication between Poses++ components is string based and follows the TCL syntax definitions from John K. Ousterhut. Synchronous commands are sent as string and will receive an answer immediately. Every command will be additionaly receipted by a constant string either POS_OK or POS_ERROR. The answer result string matches also the TCP syntax definition. For unexpected (asynchronous) messages the client must answer to the sending server with a POS_OK unconditionaly. Forgeting this can force the server waiting for this receipt unlimited. For meanings of errors, warnings and messages look into an appended table. The simulation server will communicate only if the client is logged on via Login. A failed login the server will answer by ejecting the connection - the client will receive a raw socket hangup.
Using the Poses++ Client API the socket communcation including the handling of the answer result and the constant state strings POS_OK and POS_ERROR will be handled by this interface itself. You will get the success indication from return values of the called interface function (for details see: posclient.h).

4.5.1. Poses++ console (posconsole / posconsole.exe) up down Contents

Poses++ console is an application based on the tools belonging to the Poses++ client API. It is a TCL interpreter offering all client API calls as additional TCL commands. It gets the commands from stdin awaiting a newline delimited complete command and hands it over to the evaluter. The evalution results will be "send" to stdout. All commands listed below all also directly accessible via C-call functions declared in posclient.h. These functions are linkable implemented in the shared library or posclient.dll. For every compiler specific posclient.dll an import library is additionally included. So you can either implement your client software based on linked software or on scripts. Because we prefere to use Delphi for front end software development a Delphi command wrapper unit PosClient.pas is included.

Command encode string
Semantic encode has the same behaviour like the dstring command of the Poses++ shell.

Command listcodes
Semantic listcode lists the valid error, warning and message entries of the whole Poses++ system. Each entry of this list contains an internally used code number, an identifier and an interpretation string. This command is more a documentation feature than a command.
Answer All registered codes as list.
Example ...
{215 POS_CM_NOT_IMPLEMENTED {Server : not implemented yet}}
{221 POS_CM_NOT_LOGGED_IN {Server : you are not logged in yet}}

Command regcode code [interpretation]
Semantic regcode try to register a new error or message code & interpretation combination.
Answer "1" if successful "0" otherwise
Example regcode MY_OWN_ERROR "my own error: %1" will answer "1" where %1 will be replaced on interpretation with an actual string value for the place holder "%1".

Command code2txt code [arguments]
Semantic the error identifier will be searched and if found the interpretation string will be filled by the given arguments.
Answer a string with the exchanges place holders.
Example code2txt MY_OWN_ERROR abc will produce "my own error: abc" if registered like above.

Command idle
Semantic idle performs idle tasks like receiving and dispatching asynchronous events and so on. Please call idle or Pos_Idle() from a central point of your application if no more user driven events are pending and continue calling idle or Pos_Idle() until it answers TRUE (1) for "idle - nothing to do anymore".
Answer TRUE: "1" for "idle - nothing to do anymore" otherwise FALSE "0".

Command hostname
Semantic hostname will reply the name of the host posconsole is running on.

Command username
Semantic username will reply the name of the current user acount posconsole is running in.

Command name2addr host_name
Semantic name2addr will reply an ip address for the given host name.
Example name2addr merkur could produce "".

Command addr2name
Semantic addr2name will reply a host name for the given ip address.
Answer addr2name could produce "merkur"

Command long2addr unsigned_long_integer
Semantic long2addr will reply an ip address for the given binary representation.
Example long2addr 16777343 would produce "".

Command addr2long
Semantic addr2long will reply an integer value representation for the given ip address.
Answer addr2long would produce "167880896"

Command ipaddrs
Semantic ipaddrs will reply the count of found ip addresses of installed network adapters.
Answer With one real adapter and one loopback interface ipaddrs will reply "2"

Command ipaddr index
Semantic ipaddr will reply the ip of the adapter referenced by index. To get the maximum valid index use ipaddrs.
Answer With one loopback interface ipaddr 0 can reply ""

Command ipmask index
Semantic ipmask will reply the ip network mask of the adapter referenced by index. To get the maximum valid index use ipaddrs.
Answer With one loopback interface ipmask 0 can reply ""

Command findipaddr ip_address
Semantic findipaddr will search the installed adapters without the loopback interface for the requested ip_address and will reply "1" if found otherwise "0".
Answer findipaddr can reply "1" if one adapter is setup to this ip address.

Command macaddrs
Semantic macaddrs will reply the count of found mac addresses of installed network adapters.
Answer With one real adapter macaddrs will reply "1"

Command macaddr index
Semantic macaddr will reply the mac address of the adapter referenced by index. To get the maximum valid index use macaddrs.
Answer With one real interface macaddr 0 will reply a typical mac address string.

Command broadcast message_string port [timeout_milliseconds]
Semantic broadcast sends message_string as broadcast to port into the local network and awaits for timeout_milliseconds replied answers. These answers will be collected in a list of tupels with the repliers ip address and the replied string.
Answer The answer is a list. Every list entry is a tupel with ip_address and answer_string.
Example broadcast hello 1501 generated in my environment an answer list of "{ spion} { merkur}"

Command profiling [boolean_value]
Semantic profiling will request or set the state of transition profiling to analyse and optimize models.
Answer The answer is a boolean value.

Command daemons [timeout_seconds]
Semantic daemons inspects the local network and reports about all running Poses++ daemons. Without the timeout parameter a default value will be used.
Answer The answer is a list. Every list entry is a tupel with ip_address and host_name.
Example daemons produced in my environment "{ spion} { merkur}"

Command connections
Semantic connections will report a list of the active socket connections.
Answer a list of integer values representing the connections

Command connect host_or_ip_address port [timeout_seconds]
Semantic connect will try to establish a TCP/IP connection to the given host and port. In result you will receive an integer value as handle useful for the following communication commands.
Answer an positive integer connection handle or "0" if the connection could not be established.
Example connect spion 1501 120 will try to connect a Poses++ daemon listening at port 1501 on the machine with the name spion. For this command I got a "76" on my notebook.

Command timeout connection_handle [timeout_seconds]
Semantic timeout will try to change or only to reply the timeout settings of a given connection.
Answer the timeout setting of the requested connection as integer.

Command disconnect connection_handle
Semantic disconnect destroys the connection with the given handle.
Answer "1" if successful and "0" otherwise

Command active connection_handle
Semantic active asks whether a connection is still active or not.
Answer "1" if the connection is still active and "0" otherwise

Command send connection_handle string
Semantic send will send the given string to the other side represented by the connection handle. The C-implementation offers a raw send function too. This could be used to transfer binary data.
Answer "1" if successful and "0" otherwise

Command receive connection_handle
Semantic receive waits blocking on the connection until a timeout occures to receive a string.
Answer The answer is the received string.

Command command connection_handle command_string_with_arguments
Semantic command sends the given argument following the connection handle to the connection refered by the handle. After this it awaits an answer as reply. So you can treat this command as a combination of send and receive.
Answer The answer is the received string.

Command incmd connection_handle
Semantic incmd will reply a boolean answer to indicate either a command is actually in progress or not.
Answer The answer is a boolean value as string.

Command mirror connection_handle path_name mask_list [tcl_callback_proc]
Semantic mirror is a complex command to ensure that the server side will have an updated mirror of the client project files before compiling a model. All files in path_name and its subdirectories will be mirrored to the server side if the filename matches to one of the entries of mask_list. If a tcl_callback_proc is given it will be called after every copied file.
Answer The answer is a boolean value as string.

Command lastcmd
Semantic lastcmd will reply the last called command.
Answer The answer is a command string.

Command timevalid time_string [timeunit]
Semantic timevalid will reply a boolean answer if the given time_string is valid in conjunction with the optional timeunit.
Answer The answer is a boolean value.

Command timeformat time_string [timeunit]
Semantic timeformat will reply a formated simulation time representation if the given time_string is valid in conjunction with the optional timeunit.
Answer The answer is a string with a formated time.

Command pertimeformat value [timeunit]
Semantic pertimeformat will reply a formated value per time representation for the given value in conjunction with the optional timeunit.
Answer The answer is a formated string.

Command trace [integer_value]
Semantic trace asks for the client trace level represented by an integer value greater or equal. Zero means the lowest trace level. With the optional parameter the action trace level will be changed and replied afterwards. Trace informations will be stored as ascii messages in .../var directory f.i. as posclient.log and/or posconsole.log.
Answer A integer value greater or equal zero representing the actual trace level
Example For the lowest trace level a 0 will be replied.

Command version [all]
Semantic version will reply a string indicating the major.minor release of the client interface. With the optional parameter all more detailes will be replied in form of major.minor.patchlevel date copyright.
Answer The answer is a formated string.
Example version all will produce an answer like: 1.7.5 09/07/2006 {copyright 1996..2006, GPC mbH all rights reserved}

Command licence [alive]
licence info
licence info category
licence info properties
licence info licensee
licence info mac
licence info name
licence info primary
Semantic licence is an information command to be able to request details about licence entries. The answers will be generated be the locally running licence daemon posppld.
licence [alive]
The answer is a boolean value indicating the licence management with daemon posppld is running or not.
licence info
The answer is the header from licence file poses.lic.
licence info category
all registered licence categories will be listed.
licence info properties
all available licence properties will be listed.
licence info licensee
the registered licensee will be replied.
licence info mac
the mac address of the licence entries will be replied.
licence info name
the host name will be replied.
licence info primary
a boolean value indicating the host is primary licence server or not will be replied.

Command onevent connection_handle event_key [tcl_command [leading_command_arguments]]
Semantic In some cases the Poses++ server will send informations asynchronously.
To catch such messages representing errors, warnings und mere messages you can set an onevent reaction.
connect_handle identifies the connection for the event catcher to be registered. key identifies the leading string of an asynchronously received information and tcl_command is a string matching a registered tcl command to be called.
Example onevent 5 Event EventHandler will try to perform the following tcl call (similar to the C-callback) when the event "Event message POS_CM_MODEL_CLOSED" occures:
"EventHandler {Event message POS_CM_MODEL_CLOSED}".
A bit more useful would be onevent 5 Event {EventHandler 5}.
This event handler would be called with:
"EventHandler 5 {Event message POS_CM_MODEL_CLOSED}" and so the catching procedure has the responsible connection handle as additional information.
If tcl_command was not specified an already registered event would be cleared.

4.5.2. Poses++ daemon (posppd / posppd.exe) up down Contents

The Poses++ daemon is a small application making a machine available as Poses++ server machine. The first started daemon opens a TCP/IP listening end point on port 1501. This is the port where client connections will be accepted. Accepting a new connection the daemon will fork itself into a mirrored task dealing with this new connection only so different deamon connections can not effect each other directly. After a login at the connection of this child deaemon process the daemon will morph into a Poses++ shell offering a wider range of commands and variables.
The central daemon acts additionally as a small central data base (f.i. to keep a list of actually running Poses++ server tasks). For this it uses the TCP/IP and the UDP port 1502 for internal purposes.
Under MS-Windows you will see a task bar icon on the desktop identifying a running daemon.
The Poses++ daemon is not a TCL interpreter even if the command interface seems to be identical.

Command version
Semantic A client asks for the version f.i. to avoid conflicts with it's own version
Answer A string indicating the major.minor release of the connected daemon
Example 1.7

Command hardware
Semantic A client asks for the hardware the Poses++ daemon is running on.
Answer A string equal to x86 or x86_64 for an Intel x86 processor or compatible, alpha for an Alpha processor (former on DEC-Workstations), sparc for a Sparc cpu.
Example 1.7

Command osname
Semantic A client asks for the operating system the Poses++ daemon is running on.
Answer A string equal to Linux for Linux, win32 for one of the Microsoft Windows operating systems, OSF1 for an OSF1 on an Alpha workstation and SunOS for SunOS or Solaris on a Sparc workstation.
Example 1.7

Command trace [integer_value]
Semantic trace asks for the daemons trace level represented by an integer value greater or equal. Zero means the lowest trace level. With the optional parameter the action trace level will be changed and replied afterwards. Trace informations will be stored as ascii messages in .../var directory f.i. as posppd.log.
Answer A integer value greater or equal zero representing the actual trace level
Example For the lowest trace level a 0 will be replied.

Command login account password
Semantic A client try to login. After a susccessful login the daemon hands the actual connection over to a Poses++ shell.
Answer -

Command getserver
Semantic A client asks for the Poses++ server tasks started on the machine the daemon is responsible for.
Answer A list (TCL list syntax) properties of each running Poses++ server task. Every entry contains a property list for this server. Every property entry is a tupel with the property name and the property value. The experiment entry contains an alias useful for unique server task identification.
An important property is the tupel {port number}. This is the port number to establish communication connections to this simulation server task. The tupel with the property name pid indicates the process id of the corresponding simulation server task.
Example {{port 1048} {user xxxxxx} {project {C:\Poses++ 1.7\examples\signal}} {experiment Experiment1} {model SIGNALIZATION} {pid 4291557747}}
{{port 1068} {user xxxxxx} {project {C:\Poses++ 1.7\examples\chemlab}} {experiment Experiment1} {model ChemicalLaboratory} {pid 4291379991}}

4.5.3. Poses++ shell (possh / possh.exe) up down Contents

A Poses++ shell is a TCL-interpreter with additional commands like listed below. Just started the Poses++ shell loads the TCL-script possh.tcl from the directory .../Poses++ 1.7/etc. There you can find additional commands implemented in script form. The Poses++ shell is an interface to handle different operating systems transparently. The Poses++ shell commands are available on a TCP/IP connection to a Poses++ daemon after a successful login.

The following commands are additionnal build in commands besides the common TCL command set:

Command execute executable [argument_list]
Semantic if not to avoid you can necessarily call execute instead of tcl's original exec for the execution of a binary. The first argument ist the binary file. The stdout from the executed program will be caught into the result of the command.
Answer the result of the system command as string.

Command invoke executable [argument_list]
Semantic also: if not avoidable you can not avoid you can necessarily call invoke instead of tcl's original exec for the execution of a binary. The first argument ist the binary file. This command routes the stdout from the executed program.
Answer -

Command is83fs path_or_file_name
Semantic checks the filesystem of the path given as argument for 8.3 filename behaviour.
Answer 1 if a 8.3 filesystem was detected, 0 otherwise

Command hardware
Semantic ask for the hardware the Poses++ shell is running on.
Answer x86 or x86_64 for an Intel x86 processor or compatible, alpha for an Alpha processor (former on DEC-Workstations), sparc for a Sparc cpu.

Command osname
Semantic ask for the operating system the Poses++ shell is running on.
Answer Linux for Linux, win32 for one of the Microsoft Windows operating systems, OSF1 for an OSF1 on an Alpha workstation and SunOS for SunOS or Solaris on a Sparc workstation.

Command usrname
Semantic ask for the account or the user name the Poses++ shell is running under.
Answer the login name as string.

Command hostname
Semantic ask for name (host name) of the machines the Poses++ shell is running on.
Answer the machines name as string.

Command newlinetxt string_arguments
Semantic converts all DOS end of line sequences (0x0D0A) in the given arguments into UNIX like "\n" eol chars.
Answer the given arguments with converted newline chars as one string

Command dstring string
Semantic transforms a given argument to a string which can be evaluated by a TCL-interpreter one time to get back the original argument string. This command is often used to "construct" strings to use them as TCL-commands. The convertion is necessary for lists and/or special characters like \r or similar ones.
Answer an appropriate converted string
Example dstring "a b c" will answer {a b c}

Command writeln string
Semantic The TCL-command puts stdout ... will not be successful on all operating systems supported by Poses++. Especially MS-Windows 95 and 98 have no behaviour to inherit stdout to child processes. Thats why writeln offers the possibility to write out its arguments.
Answer -

Command writeln_str string
Semantic acts similar as writeln converting the arguments via dstring before.

Command filename file_name_parts
Semantic this command treats the given arguments as "space" separated parts of a filename and convets them to a formal valid filename using slashes as deviders.
Answer the converted filename as string
Example filename c:\abc\ will convert to c:/abc

Command quoted string
Semantic this command will frame the given arguments in quotas containing the arguments space spearated. A call with one argument only will do the same if the argument by itself contains dividing spaces.
Answer the collected arguments as one string
Example quoted a b c will produce "a b c" but quoted {a b c} will produce "a b c" too.

Command path operation [arguments]
Semantic This is a command dealing with lists of file paths. The dividing chars are ':' under UNIX and otherwise ';'. The char ':' is used under UNIX to separate paths in environment variables and the char ';' is not part of path names under MS-Windows.
The second argument is one of the sub commands split path_list, append path_list new_element, append_sys path_list new_element, exist path_list and valid path_list.
Answer path split will divide the given arguments by the system specific dividing char and will answer with a TCL-conform list of the contained path elements.
path append will extend the given list by the new element using the dividing char.
path append_sys will extend the given list by the new element using the dividing char. But the new element is converted to a correct path string valid on the current operating system before.
path exist counts the really existing paths from the given list and will answer with an integer result.
path valid will answer with a path list as a string containing only those paths from the given argument which would be counted by path exist.
Example assuming the Poses++ shell is running under a MS-Windows system:
path split {c:/ba;d:/cda} will answer "c:/ba d:/cba".
path append c:/ba d:/cda will answer "c:/ba;d:/cda".
path append_sys c:/ba d:/cda will answer "c:\ba;d:\cda".
path exist {c:/windows;c:/temp;c:/___} will typicaly answer "2" because c:\windows and c:\temp mostly exist unlike c:\___ .
And on the same system path valid {c:/windows;c:/temp;c:/___} would answer "c:/windows;c:/temp".

Command which file_name
Semantic show full path of commands: which progname ...
like the UNIX command the PATH environment variable will be searched. All arguments after progname will be treated additionaly as paths to be searched.
Answer the full path name of the program if found
Example assuming running under Linux:
which gcc could answer "/usr/bin/gcc".

Command uname [options]
Semantic like the UNIX command uname prints certain system information. Without option, same as -s.
print all information
print the machine (hardware) type
print the machine's network node hostname
print the operating system release
print the operating system name
print the host processor type
print the operating system version
Answer the answer is identical to the answer of the corresponding UNIX command. Under MS-Windows the operating system will reply win32.
Example my Dell Inspiron 8000 with MS-Windows ME answered:
win32 MERKUR 4.90 73010104 i586 intel to uname -a

Command searchreg mainkey key subkey
Semantic searchreg mainkey key subkey searches the MS-Windows Registry for a matching entry. mainkey is valid with one of the values: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_USERS. key and subkey are strings matching the registries hierarchy.
Answer A found entry or the result of the Windows-API call RegQueryValueEx(...) as string.
Example searchreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\6.0\Setup VsCommonDir
answered on my machine:
"C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common"

Command ctime
Semantic ctime generates the string output from the C-library call ctime(...).
Answer a string with actual date and time.
Example ctime produces f.i. "Tue Oct 22 21:24:31 2002"

Command mkdir new_path_name
Semantic mkdir creates similarily to UNIX a new leaf in the path hirarchy according the given argument.
Answer the answer is an error if the branch of the leaf of the given path hirarchy does not exist.

Command makepath new_path_name
Semantic makepath also creates a new directory. But additionally to mkdir it creates a missing branch directory first.

Command unlink path_or_file_name
Semantic unlink deletes a file or a directory given in the first argument. It acts similar to the C-library call unlink(...).

Command cp source_file_name destination_path_or_file_name
copy source_file_name destination_path_or_file_name
Semantic cp or copy will copy a file to a destination file or path similar to the cp command in a UNIX shell or the copy command in a DOS-box.

Command listdir [directory] [-verbose] [-join]
Semantic listdir will generate a list of files and directories contained in the requested directory. If no directory was requested the contents of the current directory will be listed as answer. In case of option -verbose or just -v for each entry found in the directory will be answered not only the single file name but a tupel of three parts: {name type access}. In this case name is the file name type is the type of this file as a short string with the letters f for simple file d for a directory and l for a link and access is also a short string with the letters r for readable w for writable and x for executable. With the option -join or just -j you can set the delimiter string for the list of file name and the tupels.
Answer The answer is a list.
Example listdir will answer in a Poses++ root directory:
. .. licence.txt readme.txt html lib bin inc etc examples changes.txt var

listdir -v called in a fat32 file system will answer:
{. d rwx} {.. d rwx} {licence.txt f rwx} {readme.txt f rwx} {html d rwx} {lib d rwx} {bin d rwx} {inc d rwx} {etc d rwx} {examples d rwx} {changes.txt f rwx} {var d rwx}

Command dirname path_or_file_name
Semantic dirname processes the given argument as path or file name and extracts its parent directory.
Answer the answer is the parent directory as string.
Example dirname a/b/c will answer a/b.

Command ishostaddr host_addr
Semantic ishostaddr checks whether the argument is a valid ip address of the local system or not.
Answer "1" if the ip addres belongs to an available interface. "0" otherwise. The local host address will produce "0".

Command daemon command
Semantic daemon routes the given argument as command to the Poses++ daemon running on the same machine.
Answer an answer is the answer of the daemon.
Example "daemon version" answers like the version command of the daemon.

Command getserver
Semantic This command is routed to the daemon. see: getserver

Command version
Semantic This command is routed to the daemon. see: version

Command trace [integer_value]
Semantic trace asks for the shells trace level represented by an integer value greater or equal. Zero means the lowest trace level. With the optional parameter the action trace level will be changed and replied afterwards. Trace informations will be stored as ascii messages in .../var directory f.i. as possh.log.

Command pospp
Semantic pospp [-verbose] [-port listen_port_number] [-logfile logfile_name] [-alias server_alias_name] [-send_socket_to caller_udp_port] [-user user_name]
starts a new Poses++ server task. This server task will avoid output to standard out with option -verbose.
It will establish a listening socket port at -port listen_port_number or at a free port number to accept incoming TCP/IP connections.
If requested with -logfile logfile_name it will create this logfile to log all client communication.
The option -alias server_alias_name referes to the details of the daemon command getserver. With option -send_socket_to caller_udp_port the new Poses++ server will send its listening port as string via an UDP packet to the caller_udp_port at the same machine.
-user user_name specifies the user account name the Poses++ server should be running under. The server will fail if it can detect another user name from the systems API.
Answer the answer is the port number of the established listening socket port as string.

Command mirrorfile clientDir fileName fileSize ...
Semantic This command allows to transfer a binary file from a client to the server system. Depending from the project directory and the file name the server decides the path the files mirror at server side. fileSize is the size of bytes to be transfered. This is the command part completed by a UNIX newline. After this delimiting character the command expects the byte stream for the file.

Command type ascii_file_name
Semantic This command produces the contents of the given file as result.
Answer The contents of the file as string.

Command faccess path_name
Semantic faccess examines the creation time in seconds a file created in the given directory would have.
Answer the seconds as string
Example faccess c:/windows produced on my machine: 1035626476.

Command flock filename/descriptor read/write TRUE/FALSE
Semantic flock can set or reset file locks. It distinguishs read and write locks. A file locked by a read lock is locked for reading only. It can be locked by other read locks but never by a write lock. A file locked by a write lock can't be locked neither by another read nor by another write lock. It is locked exclusively.
The command is implemented using the C-library call fcntl(...) under UNIX. Under Windows the lock functionality is implemented using the call sopen(...) parametrized by the flags SH_DENYWR, O_RD_ONLY, O_RDWR | O_APPEND.
To set a lock you have to specify the name of the file to be locked, the kind of lock and TRUE. You will get back an integer descriptor which you should use later to reset the lock with flock descriptor read/write FALSE.
The Poses++ shell and the Poses++ server use flock internally to avoid conflicts during the generation of model binary files which are already loaded into memory by a running simulation server.
Answer The answer is an integer handle. "-1" will be the answer if the function failed.
Example My system under Linux answered to flock /etc/hosts read TRUE with "3". With flock 3 read FALSE I cleared the lock.

The following commands are implemented in the TCL script file possh.tcl.
For details please study the script source which is placed in .../Poses++ 1.7/etc directory of your installation:

Command serverProjectDir
Semantic serverProjectDir replies the directory name in the .../Poses++ 1.7/var path of the installation where the Poses++ server side will hold mirror files and binaries. If force is set the directory will be created if not yet existent.

Command modelLibrary
Semantic modelLibrary replies the name and the full path of the binary model code the Poses++ server side would create on build. The second and the third part of the answer are integer values to be interpreted as boolean ones. The second indicates whether the model library file already exists or not and the third indicates an uptodate state of this library file. If not uptodate it should be rebuild next because of corresponding source files were changed since last model library build time.

Command needMirror
Semantic needMirror checks the necessity to mirror files between client and server side. It is not necessary to mirror files if the server side can detect direct access to the clients file system. This detection takes different mount structures of local and/or remote file systems for both sides in consideration.

Command prepareMirror
Semantic prepareMirror lists every file name from the entries in fileRecords which should be mirrored to become upto date at server side.

Command build
Semantic build or make the model shared binary code. This is the shared library (*.so) or a DLL (*.dll) which full path name would be replied by the command modelLibrary. This command uses the selected C++ compiler internally.

Command install
Semantic install checks and stores all necessary information about the selected C++ compiler. This for a posshrc file will be stored in the .../Poses++ 1.7/var/user directory. The name of the file is completed by a .hostname.hardware.osname extension specifying clearly the system this file is valid for. This file name principle allows different setup files for different machines or operating systems in the same installation hierarchy. The setup file contains all informations as TCL commands.

Command setup
Semantic setup loads the informations about the C++ compiler stored by install.

Not as a command but as arrays poses, globals and the variable CC you can get various detailed informations from the shell.

4.5.4. Poses++ server (pospp / pospp.exe) up down Contents

A Poses++ server is the task performing the calculation for a simulation experiment. On one machine can run as much different Poses++ server tasks as you want. Each of them will communicate over another TCP/IP port which will be typically acquired from free available ports during the servers the tart up phase of the server A simulation server will be invoked by the Poses++ shell.
A client can connect a Poses++ server via a TCP/IP socket to a port which the client can inspect by a getserver request. The Poses++ server activates a new and so independent TCL-interpreter for each connected client. The following commands are available on this interface:

Command login user_name password
Semantic login try to authenticate the connection for the specified user_name with the given password. Without successful authentication the most commands will not be acepted. After the third failed login retry the server will destroy the client connection.

Command logout
Semantic logout initiates the destruction of the client connection.

Command exit
Semantic exit has the same behaviour like logout.

Command trace [integer_value]
Semantic trace asks for the actual server trace level represented by an integer value greater or equal. Zero means the lowest trace level. With the optional parameter the action trace level will be changed and replied afterwards. Trace informations will be stored as ascii messages in .../var directory f.i. as pospp.log.
Answer The trace level as an integer value.
Example trace will be answered with: 0. trace 3 will be answered with: 3 and the amount of trace informations stored in the corresponding log file will increase rapidly.

Command version
Semantic version asks for the server version string.
Answer The version as a string description. The leading characters: "Poses++ server - version " will not change in later releases to enable a formal version number scan.
Example version will be answered with:
"Poses++ server - version 1.5 p2 - copyright (c) GPC mbH (Germany), 1996..2003"
when the server is of version 1.5 and has reached the second patch level.

Command listdir [directory] [-verbose] [-join]
Semantic listdir will generate a list of files and directories contained in the requested directory. If no directory was requested the contents of the current directory will be listed as answer. In case of option -verbose or just -v for each entry found in the directory will be answered not only the single file name but a tupel of three parts: {name type access}. In this case name is the file name type is the type of this file as a short string with the letters f for simple file d for a directory and l for a link and access is also a short string with the letters r for readable w for writable and x for executable. With the option -join or just -j you can set the delimiter string for the list of file name and the tupels.
Answer The answer is a list.
Example listdir will answer in a Poses++ root directory:
. .. licence.txt readme.txt html lib bin inc etc examples changes.txt var

listdir -v called in a fat32 file system will answer:
{. d rwx} {.. d rwx} {licence.txt f rwx} {readme.txt f rwx} {html d rwx} {lib d rwx} {bin d rwx} {inc d rwx} {etc d rwx} {examples d rwx} {changes.txt f rwx} {var d rwx}

Command hardware
Semantic A client asks for the hardware the Poses++ server is running on.
Answer A string equal to x86 or x86_64 for an Intel x86 processor or compatible, alpha for an Alpha processor (former on DEC-Workstations), sparc for a Sparc cpu.

Command osname
Semantic A client asks for the operating system the Poses++ server is running on.
Answer A string equal to Linux for Linux, win32 for one of the Microsoft Windows operating systems, OSF1 for an OSF1 on an Alpha workstation and SunOS for SunOS or Solaris on a Sparc workstation.

Command cppid
Semantic cppid will reply a short string identifying the compiler the running server task was build with. For details look at possh.tcl. Usable cpp identifiers are the names of the compiler specific build scripts stored in .../Poses++ 1.7/etc.
Answer A short string token.
Example cppid replied on my Linux system: gcc29. The system runs under Linux and the connected server was build using the GNU compiler gcc 2.95.2. Usable cpp identifiers are the names of the compiler specific build scripts stored in .../Poses++ 1.7/etc.

Command status
Semantic status asks the server to inform about its actual situation. It will answer with the same details like on an asynchronous "Event status ..." message. For details see: Poses++ server events.
Answer The status as a short string.

Command link_code library_file_name
Semantic link_code asks the simulation server to link the given file as shared code dynamically against itself. This will be done internally by the API-call LoadLibrary under Windows and via dlopen unter Unix. During this load step the specific registration function in the shared code will register classes and functions to the server so it is able to deal with binary model code afterwards.

Command linked_code
Semantic linked_code asks the server to generate a report about all dynamically linked shared model code files.
Answer The answer is a list of all file names of the shared libraries linked dynamically against the simulation server in result of the command link_code.

Command unlink_code [library_file_name]
Semantic The simulation server will check any dependencies of its loaded symbols from the specified library file. If no dependendies are detected the server will release the loaded shared code. If not parameter is given the server will try this behaviour with all loaded libraries.

Command open_stream file file_path openmode
open_stream socket host_name port
Semantic open_stream can open a file stream at server side.
openmode is one of the following short strings with the listed meaning:
r open the file readonly nur zum Lesen �fnen, die Datei mu�existieren
r+ zum Lesen und Schreiben �fnen, die Datei mu�existieren
w nur zum Schreiben �fnen, Truncate, wenn die Datei existiert, Falls die Datei nicht existiert, wird sie erzeugt
w+ zum Lesen und Schreiben �fnen, Truncate, wenn die Datei existiert, Falls die Datei nicht existiert, wird sie erzeugt
a nur zum Schreiben �fnen, die Datei mu�existieren, Dateizeiger wird beim �fnen auf das Dateiende positioniert
a+ zum Schreiben und Lesen �fnen, die Datei mu�existieren, Dateizeiger wird beim �fnen auf das Dateiende positioniert
open_stream can also open a TCP/IP socket connection to a given host_name and port.
Answer The answer is an integer stream handle useful as parameter for the following stream commands.

Command read_stream stream_handle [maximum_bytes]
Semantic read_stream will read from an already opened stream refered by the stream_handle. If maximum_bytes is specified it will never read more characters. The next call to read_stream will continue on this point.
Answer The answer is a string filled with the read characters.

Command write_stream stream_handle string
Semantic write_stream will try to write the given string to an already opened stream refered by stream_handle. Poses++ uses the write_stream and read_stream command internally f.i. for storing and reloading simulation states to file and backward.

Command close_stream stream_handle
Semantic close_stream will close an already opened stream refered by stream_handle.

Command timeunit [system]
Semantic timeunit asks the server for the time unit the simulation time tics are based on or in case of an additional system option the time unit of the system time.
Answer The answer can be one of the following short strings:
tic without a real time unit
year one integer step is one tic. one tic is in this case identical to a whole year.
day one tic means one day.
hour one tic means one hour.
min one tic means one minute.
sec one tic means one single second.
ms one tic means one milli second.
microsec one tic means one micro second (typical unit for the system time).
ns one tic means one nano second.

Command randomstart [integer_value]
Semantic randomstart will set the random start value to integer_value if the parameter was supplied and no simulation activities happened upto this time.
Answer The answer is the valid random start value of the simulation server. If you set this value in a next experiment with the same model you can force the same random behaviour.

Command information
Semantic this command allows to request information about data types, instances and other stuff too.

information module | place | trans | arc handle_or_full_name
prints information about the requested part of the model. Every model instance can be refered either by an integer handle or by its full path (s.a: handle or instance).

information type type_name [boolean_value | place | trans]
prints a description of the type. For structured types the members will be included. For module types additionaly the place or transition members or both will be included too if explicitely requested. A boolean value is one string of true, false, TRUE, FALSE, 1, 0.

information source module_type_name
prints information about the source file the specified type was declared in.

information types module | struct | enum | type | all
prints a list of all type names belonging to the specified selection.

information module | place | trans | arc handle_or_full_name
module: {module_name module_handle handle_of_owner_module type_name}
place: {place_name place_handle handle_of_owner_module token_type_name}
transition: {trans_name trans_handle handle_of_owner_module arc_handle_list}
arc: {arc_handle trans_handle place_handle}

information type type_name [boolean_value | place | trans]
ordinal type
structured type
type_name { type_name declarator_name ... }
enum type
type_name { enumerator_name value ... }
For information type type_name place | trans the answer will contain a list of either place or transistion members only.

information source module_type_name
{file_name file_mtime file_size}

information types type
prints a list the names of all available basic types. Such a list containing all build in types would be:
{unsigned long int} double {long double} time {unsigned short int} {unsigned int} void {short int} int {long int} char float string

Command model
Semantic model requests the name of the top module called model. To get informations about its member either inspect the type informations or request details with getmodules, getplaces and gettransitions

Command getplaces module_instance_handle | module_full_name | module_type [handles | names | both]
Semantic The command getplaces will reply a list of place (or predicate) names contained in the specified module. If you refered an existing module instance you can complete the command with an optional parameter of handles, names or both. With handles you will receive a list of the correspondig instance handles instead of the names. With names you will get the names what is the default behaviour. With both you will get a tupel for each entry with name and handle of the place.
Example getplaces airport.TaxiWay1 both:
{Input 7} {Output 13}

Command gettransitions module_instance_handle | module_full_name | module_type [handles | names | both]
Semantic The command gettransitions acts similar to getplaces but will reply transition related informations instead.

Command getmodules module_instance_handle | module_full_name | module_type [names | types | handles | owner]
Semantic The command getmodules will reply a list for all module instance members included in the module instance or module type specified as command parameter. For each of these member entries you will get {member_name member_type boolean_value}. The boolean value is "0" if the module is not owner of this member. This means such a member is overloaded by module construction and so a reference to another member in another module instance. In case of using the optional parameters names, types, handles and owner the answer will be constructed as a list of tupels of a modules name, its data type and its instance handle and the handle of the owner sorted by the request order. order.

Command getparameters module_instance_handle | module_full_name | module_type [names | types | both]
Semantic The command getparameters will reply a list of all parameter members in the specified modules. Parameters are all ordinary members not being modules, places or transitions. With the optional parameter types you can request to get only a list of the data types of the parameters. With the parameter both you will request a tupel of instance name and instance type of every parameter member.
Example getparameters airport.TaxiWay1 both:
{RollTime time}

Command parameter module_instance_handle | module_path | parameter_path [new_value_string]
Semantic parameter is a request to get the actual value of a parameter or to change this value with new_value_string as new settings. With module_instance_handle and module_path all parameters inside the module structure can be requested and will be answered as one structured result string.

Command simtime new_time
Semantic simtime requests the actual simulation time.
Answer The simulation time is an integer representing the amount of time tics happen for the model up to now. The meaning of one tic depends on the valid timeunit. If a new time value is specified and this value is later than the simulation time the time can be increased. Please handle this behaviour carefuly. Such a time jump will effect you statistical results. Already pending events for times inbetween will fire too late.

Command systime
Semantic Beginning with Poses++ 1.7 systime will reply the elapsed time in micro seconds since start of the requested Poses++ server. Before it was the system time of the running operating system in micro seconds since 00:00:00 UTC 01/01/1970 and so in risk of overlows.

Command sysdate
Semantic sysdate will answer the actually reached time of the running operating system in a string fromat.
Example sysdate answered:
Sat Nov 09 14:28:04 2002

Command timewarp [new_value]
Semantic timewarp reports a factor used to compress or to stretch the simulation time progress in relation to the real time. 0 means run the experiment as fast as possible. Between 0 and 1 means run in "quick-motion". 1 means run the experiment in real time. All over 1 means an experiment speed in "slow-motion". A given new value will be set before and will effect a running experiment immediately.

Command gethistory place | trans | arc handle_or_instance_path [from_time to_time] [attribute]
gethistory place | trans | arc handle_or_instance_path average delta_time [from_time to_time]
gethistory place | trans | arc handle_or_instance_path difference delta_time [from_time to_time]
Semantic gethistory will report a history sequence stored for the specified instance.
The first form of the command will accept an attribute. In this case the time dependent changing attribute values will be reported instead of the default token or fire counts.
The command variants with average and difference will report calculated curves.
Answer If the instance is a place the sequence will be: time_value_1 token_count_1 ... time_value_n token_count_n.
If the instance is a trans or an arc the sequence will be: time_value_1 parallel_fire_count_1 ... time_value_n parallel_fire_count_n.
Example gethistory place airport.RunWay.RunWay reported :
366 1
376 0
446 1
490 0
540 1
564 0

Command capacity handle_or_instance_path [new_value]
Semantic capacity reports the actual place (or also: predicate) capacity of the specified instance. If a new value is given the simulator will try to change the capacity first. This could fail if the given capcacity is lower than necessary. The capacity in minimum necessary depends from the actual token count and from already pending data flow events.
Answer The answer for capacity is an integer value.

Command tokencount handle_or_instance_path
Semantic tokencount will report the actually contained amount of tokens in a predicate.
Answer The answer is an integer value.

Command priority handle_or_instance_path [new_value]
Semantic priority reports the actual priority of the specified transition instance. If a new value is given the priority will be changed first. A priority value is a signed integer value. A lower value means a lower priority. The default priority of a transition without any specifications is 0.

Command parallel handle_or_instance_path [new_value]
Semantic parallel reports the actual maximum parallel fire count allowed for the specified transition instance. If a new value is given the parallel will be changed first. A parallel value is an unsigned integer value greater 0.

Command life handle_or_instance_path [new_value]
Semantic A transition with life equal to 0 will never fire independent from the data situation arround. The new value is of a boolean type.

Command future
Semantic future will report all pending events from the event list.
Answer The answer is a list of all events. Every entry is leaded by a spedifier defining the kind of event:
events and theire structure:

EVENT specifies a pure time trigger (f.i. generated by a run command).
{EVENT activation_time}

BLACKPUTFLOW specifies an event generating one or more black tokens into a place
{BLACKPUTFLOW activation_time full_predicate_path full_arc_path token_count}

BLACKGETFLOW specifies an event destroying one or more black tokens from a place
{BLACKGETFLOW activation_time full_predicate_path full_arc_path token_count}

DATAPUTFLOW specifies an event generating one or more data containing tokens into a predicate
{DATAPUTFLOW activation_time full_predicate_path full_arc_path token_count token_data}

DATAGETFLOW specifies an event destroying one or more data containing tokens from a predicate
{DATAGETFLOW activation_time full_predicate_path full_arc_path token_count token_data}

STOPTRANS specifies an event representing the end of a transition fire process
{STOPTRANS activation_time full_transition_path}
Example {DATAPUTFLOW 592 airport.Animation.Steps airport.Animation.DoOneStep.Arc1 1 {{Airplan9 {} RB 1 35 21 {0 -17.14286 0 0}}}}
This data flow event will happen at 592 tics. It will put 1 token into airport.Animation.Steps. This event was generated by the arc airport.Animation.DoOneStep.Arc1.

Command eventmask message | time | status [boolean_value]
eventmask protocol alias_string protocol_handle cause_list instance_handle_list [break]
eventmask protocol alias_string_list boolean_value
eventmask animation alias_string boolean_value
Semantic With eventmask the asynchronous events the client wants to receive can be specified. The events which can occure are described in Poses++ server events. In case a cause for an event has to be specified look at getcauses for details:
eventmask message | time | status [boolean_value]
Request and switch the events for time and status changes or messages sent by the server side. The result is an boolean value.
eventmask protocol alias_string protocol_handle cause_list instance_handle_list [break]
Set the interest of changes according to the cause_list. A reaction with a leading alias_string and the specified protocol will be generated for any internal event matching for one of the instances from instance_handle_list. If break was set this event will force the server to the BREAK status representing a break point situation.
eventmask protocol alias_string_list boolean_value
Switch existing events masks refered by the entries in alias_string_list on or off.
eventmask animation alias_string boolean_value
Request and switch the interest for animation informations. An alias_string will be added at leading position to every animation command generated at server side. This could help to route the asynchronous events at client side.

Command onevent [level update_level] cause_list tcl_script
onevent [level update_level] cause_list [place | trans | arc] instance_handle_or_path_list tcl_script
onevent event_handle_list [[[place | trans | arc] instance_handle_or_path_list] boolean_value]
onevent event_handle_list [[place | trans | arc] instance_handle_or_path_list] trigger
onevent event_handle_list tcl_script [boolean_value]
onevent event_handle_list delete
Semantic With onevent a client can specify script reactions to asynchronous events. The events which can occure are described in Poses++ server events. With level update_level can be specified down to which updatelevel the event will be invoked. Default level is the same like default for updatelevel. An event specified with level N will not be triggered in case of updatelevel is set less N. In case a cause for an event has to be specified look at getcauses for details. During the script evaluation invoked by an event additional global tcl variables are available:
  • pos_cause this variable contains the cause the event is reacting for.
  • pos_instance this variable contains the instance handle if the responsible event was generated by an instance.
  • pos_message this variable stores the last message string thrown by the server.
  • Answer
    onevent cause_list tcl_script
    Register tcl_script as reaction for global events in cause_list. The answer is an unique integer event_handle.
    onevent cause_list [place | trans | arc] instance_handle_list tcl_script
    Register tcl_script as reaction for an event of cause_list for all specified instances. The answer is an unique integer event_handle.
    onevent event_handle_list
    Request the state of already registered events. The result is a boolean value for every event in the requested list representing either the event reaction is active or switched off.
    onevent event_handle_list [[[place | trans | arc] instance_handle_or_path_list] boolean_value]
    Change the state of already registered events reaction for all registered instances or if specified for the selected instances only. In case of selected instances the event will not change its active or passive state but the instance will be registered or unregistered in relation to this event. The result is a boolean value for every event in the requested list representing either an active or switched off event reaction thereafter independent from the registered instances per event.
    onevent event_handle_list [instance_handle_or_path_list] trigger
    Requests already registered events reaction to be triggered with cause Interactive as explained in getcauses either for the set of selected instances or for all registered instances. Please take in consideration that an event will only react to causes given by it's parametrized cause list. So you have to add Interactive as possible cause to the events you want to trigger interactively.
    onevent event_handle_list tcl_script [boolean_value]
    Change the tcl script of already registered events. An optional given boolean_value will switch the event active or passive.
    onevent event_handle_list delete
    Remove the registered event.

    Command protocol place | trans | arc attribute_list
    Semantic With protocol a list of attributes can be specified to use the integer handle replied in the command eventmask for asynchronous reactions. Valid attributes can be requested via the command getattributes.
    Answer The answer is an unique integer handle.

    Command attributes [module | place | trans | arc] instance_handle_list attribute_list [cause]
    attributes [module | place | trans | arc] instance_handle_list protocol_handle [cause]
    attributes [module | place | trans | arc] instance_handle_list attribute_list value_list
    Semantic With attributes a list of actual values of instances attributes can be requested. To get all valid attributes you can use the command getattributes. In case of refering a protocol handle the list of attributes has to be registered by the command protocol before. Foreach single instance from instance_handle_list an attribute value list will be replied. With the optional parameter cause attributes can be called as reaction to an internal event handler to allow the reply of the actual cause for this occuring event. The call case when attribute_list is followed by a value_list offers the possibility to change the actual value of an attribute expected it is not read only.
    Answer For the attribute request cases the answer ist a list of attribute values. There is no answer in case of setting new attribute values.

    Command contents handle_or_instance_path [first_token_index [last_token_index]]
    Semantic contents will reply the data of the tokens in a predicate. With first_token_index (the very first token is at index = 0) and last_token_index you can specify a range of tokens you want to have.
    Answer The answer is a list of token data entries.

    Command setcontents handle_or_instance_path new_contents
    Semantic setcontents will exchange the contents of the specified predicate against the given new data. The format of the data has to be the same like contents would report afterwards.

    Command enummode names | value | both
    Semantic enummode changes the style when enum data will be reported. In case of both the enumerator name and its value will be reported as tupel.

    Command getcauses place | trans | arc | all
    Semantic getcauses is a report function which lists the valid event cause strings. The follwing strings with the listed meaning are valid cause entries:
    a token was put into a place or a predicate
    a token in a place or a predicated was destroyed
    the token data in a predicated changed
    a firing try of a transition failed
    a transition got concession and started firing
    a transition finished the firing process
    an arc reported cardinality failed during the transition backtracking
    an arc starts a match try during the transition backtracking
    an arc match try during the transition backtracking was successful
    an arc match try during the transition backtracking failed
    a successful arc generates data flow events
    an arc processes a data flow
    an arc failed processing a data flow
    a client triggered the event interactively via onevent
    the value of a parameter was changed
    simulation time has changed
    the status of the simulation server was changed
    the server prcesses a reset for the whole model
    a new animation command was generated
    a message was sent

    Command getattributes module | place | trans | arc [hint] [filter] [readonly] [history]
    Semantic getattributes lists valid attribute strings. With hint a short explanation will be added. With filter the name of the prefered data value filter will be added. With readonly you will get an additional boolean value for this attribute. So an entry can contain {attribute_name attribute_hint attribute_filter attribute_readonly}. With history you will get only those attributes which you can specify in a gethistory command.

    Command handle full_instance_name [full_instance_name_list]
    Semantic handle will reply an integer handle as an unique representation of each of the requested instances. A full instance name is a path from the top module called model down to the instance itself with '.' as divider.
    Answer The instance handle as integer or a list of integer handles.
    Example Assuming the top model is named airport and it contains a sub module RunWay:
    handle airport.RunWay could reply 3

    Command instance module | place | trans | arc instance_handle [instance_handle_list]
    Semantic instance will reply a full name for each of the requested instance handles. The kind of instance you mean has to be specified by module | place | trans | arc.
    Answer The full instance name or a list of full instance names.
    Example Assuming the top model is named airport and it contains a sub module RunWay:
    handle airport.RunWay answered 3 then
    instance module 3 will answer airport.RunWay

    Command licenceinfo [all]
    Semantic licenceinfo will report the licencee information as string. With all you will get more details.

    Command profileinfo
    Semantic profileinfo will report a list of string tupels in form of property value which will inform you about model size and performance details.

    Command runmode
    Semantic runmode asks the server for the mode it is running in.
    Answer The answers can be:
    to simtime time_value
    run up to the reported simulation time
    for simtime time_value
    run for the reported simulation time period
    to systime time_value
    run up to the reported operation system time
    for systime time_value
    run for the reported operation system time period
    for eventcount count_value
    run up to the moment the reported amount of events are processed
    for transcount count_value
    run up to the moment the reported amount of transitions are fired
    for timestep time_value
    run up to in minimum a perion of the reported time value is over. The difference to for simtime is that not time triggering event will be generated invoking this command variant. That means you can say 15sec but the next stop could be at 20sec because nothing model related stuff would happen at "command time + 15sec". So you are able to say "a" time step by using 1tic as time value.

    Command timeout [new_timeout_seconds]
    Semantic timeout request the valid timeout value in seconds for the server to client communication. If new_timeout_seconds is given this value will be set first.
    Answer The answer is an integer value for the count of timeout seconds.

    Command createmodel module_type
    Semantic To begin any experiment operations you will need a model. After loading the shared model code via link_code you can make one of the loaded module types the model you want to investigate. In result you will get an appropriate answer to model.

    Command closemodel
    Semantic closemodel will destroy the loaded model. After this the server can load a new model via createmodel.

    Command closeserver
    Semantic closeserver will stop any calculation. All resources will be released and the server task will destroy itself immediately.

    Command savestate stream_handle | file_path
    Semantic savestate will save the actual state of the model persistent to the given stream. If not a stream handle but a file path is given savestate will try to open a stream internaly.

    Command loadstate stream_handle | file_path
    Semantic loadstate will load the persistent saved information from a stream or a file. The command will check at first whether the loaded shared code matches the persistent image or not. In some cases it will force problems if you start or continue to run a loaded experiment because user specific C code data is not handled save up to now. But in every case you are able to analyse a reached model situation later via reloading the saved state.

    Command fire handle_or_instance_path
    Semantic fire asks the server to fire a specific transition just now. Please be careful - this will change the sequence of the experiments automatic behaviour.

    Command concession handles| names | both | handle_or_instance_path_list
    Semantic concession will generate a list with one entry for each transition acually able to fire. With handles you will get this as list of handles unlike names which forces the generation of a list of full transition names. With both you can get both the name and the handle. If you specify a list of transition handles instead (all means all transitions) you will get a list of boolean values - one value for each transition from you list. The boolean value represents the actual concession of the transition.

    Command run
    run to simtime time_value
    run for simtime time_value
    run to systime time_value
    run for systime time_value
    run for eventcount count_value
    run for transcount count_value
    run for timestep time_value
    Semantic run starts the experiment on the server side running. With the variants of the run command you can specify the stop condition as specified in runmode. A running simulation server will reply a status RUN.

    Command stop
    Semantic With the stop command a running experiment will pause. A stopped simulation server will reply a status READY.

    Command break
    Semantic With the break command a running experiment will pause.
    A simulation server stopped by break will reply a status BREAK. This command works similar to wait because the command continue will function afterwards.

    Command wait
    Semantic With the wait command a running experiment will pause.
    But a following command continue will continue to run the experiment keeping the last runmode.

    Command continue
    Semantic With this command you can continue to run the experiment keeping the last runmode. This for the experiment had to be stopped by wait or break.

    Command statistic place | trans | arc handle_or_instance_path_list [boolean_value]
    statistic place | trans | arc list boolean_value
    Semantic statistic controls for which instances of the model statistical data will be calculated and collected. By default for all transitions and predicates the statistic switch is set to on unlike arc which start with statistic switched off.
    Answer With "statistic place | trans | arc handle_or_instance_path_list [boolean_value]" you can get the actual statistic status for a list of model instances or you can switch all together according the given boolean_value. For the list you can either use names or handles. Instead of a long list you can use all with the meaning of all instances of the same kind.
    With "statistic place | trans | arc list boolean_value" you will get a list of instance handles of the specified kind with their statistic switch equal to boolean_value.

    Command history place | trans | arc handle_or_instance_path_list [boolean_value]
    history place | trans | arc list boolean_value
    Semantic history controls for which instances of the model historical data will be collected. Each history entry is a tupel {time_value count_value}. For predicates the token count and for transitions the parallel fire count will be stored. Much other attributes can be calculated on this base.
    Answer With "history place | trans | arc handle_or_instance_path_list [boolean_value]" you can get the actual history status for a list of model instances or you can switch all together according the given boolean_value. For the list you can either use names or handles. Instead of a long list you can use all with the meaning of all instances of the same kind.
    With "history place | trans | arc list boolean_value" you will get a list of instance handles of the specified kind with their history switch equal to boolean_value.

    Command deltoken handle_or_instance_path token_index [token_delete_count]
    Semantic deltoken will destroy token from a predicate similar to an input arc. The first token in a precicates token list has index 0. If you specify a token_delete_count the server will try to delete so much tokens as specified beginning with the token placed on token_index. Events with the cause PlaceTokenExit will be generated if requested.

    Command puttoken handle_or_instance_path token_string [token_put_count [token_insert_index]]
    puttoken -default handle_or_instance_path [token_put_count [token_insert_index]]
    Semantic puttoken will add one or more tokens to a predicate similar to an output arc. Beside the token data in token_string you can specify an amount with token_put_count and additionally a token_insert_index where the amount of tokens will be filled in. If you use the option -default instead of defined token data the new token will set with default values (0 and/or emtpy strings or characters).

    Command changetoken handle_or_instance_path token_string token_change_index [token_change_count]
    Semantic With changetoken you can alter the actual value of a specific token. No model arc is able to do the same. If you specify token_change_count the server will try to change the data of so much token as you requested.

    Command shifttoken handle_or_instance_path from_index to_index
    Semantic With shifttoken you can change the position of a specific token in the token list of a predicate. The first token has an index 0.

    Command tokentype handle_or_instance_path_or | module_type.member_name
    Semantic With tokentype you can get the type name of the tokens contained in the specified predicate. You can either request an instance or a module type for such an information.

    Command animation [boolean_value]
    Semantic animation will reply the switch controling whether the animation commands will be collected at server side or not. If a boolean_value is given as parameter this mode will be changed first. If you switch off the collection of animation commands the actual collection will be released immediately.

    Command resetmodel
    Semantic The command resetmodel will stop a running experiment and will force the model to get into its initial state just as after createmodel.

    Command update
    update boolean_value
    Semantic update will change the amount of asynchronous events the client will receive. The most of those events the client has to receipt. And so the simulation server has to wait for such receiptions. On this background update is a command to reach a maximum number crunching speed at server side without the need to logout from a running server.
    Answer update without parametes will report the actual set update mode.
    With update boolean_value you can change the update mode.

    Command updatelevel
    updatelevel integer_value
    Semantic updatelevel can change the amount of asynchronous events the client will receive. The most of those events the client has to receipt. And so the simulation server has to wait for such receiptions. On this background updatelevel is a command to reach a maximum number crunching speed at server side without the need to logout from a running server. The default verbose level 2 will also be reached by update 1. The silent level 1 on other hand is reachable with update 0
    Answer updatelevel without parametes will report the actual set update level.
    With updatelevel integer_value you can change the update level.

    Command profiling [boolean_value]
    Semantic profiling is an internal state. Switched on the simulation enginge will collect detailed time consumption informations for every transition.

    Command broadcast [string_arguments]
    Semantic broadcast will send the string_arguments to all clients actually connected to the simulation server.

    Command reply [string_arguments]
    Semantic reply will send back the string_arguments to the calling client. And so this command is usefull in asynchronous reaction scripts.

    Poses++ server events (asynchronous messages from the simulation server to its clients)

    In some cases the Poses++ server sends information to its clients asynchronously. These are requested but also unexpected server reactions. Requested by the client are events like Event status status_identifier and Event time time_counter. status_identifier can be one of:

    The simulation server is about to stop itself
    The simulation server reached a blocked situation with nothing to do anymore
    The simulation server reached the ready state awaiting communication commands.
    The simulation server is running calculating the models progress.
    The simulation server reached a break point situation and waits for a CONTINUE command.
    The simulation server sended information to at least one client and is still waiting for the corresponding receipt.
    time_counter is an integer value representing the simulation time in the smallest time unit valid for the actual model.
    With Event message messages_string the simulation server informs the clients about various events. The messages_string starts with a formal code. After this code can appear string arguments describing the event situation more detailed. These arguments can be used by the error code interpretation mechanism.
    Very important is that every occurence of such an event have to be receipted by the receiving client by a POS_OK after processing !
    Only the Poses++ client API will do this as build in behaviour. posconsole is an application developed upon this API.

    4.6. Command line options and parameter up down Contents
    Some components of Poses++ will accept command line parameters to control program behaviour or to set options. The following chapters will list all possible options and will explain additional possibilities to set parameters.

    4.6.1. Poses++ daemon (posppd / posppd.exe) up down Contents

    Options -t integer_value this option allows to set the trace level to increase or decrease details and amount of trace information filled into the corresponding log file .../Poses++ 1.7/var/posppd.log
    -c this option starts the daemon with child behaviour in relation to the root daemon and so this option is used only internally when the root daemon start childs accepting new client connections
    -no_authentication disables the authentication functions and so the daemon will accept an existing user account without checking its password
    -no_socket_inheritance according to Microsoft: "Under Windows NT and Windows 2000, socket handles are inheritable by default. This feature is often used by a process that wants to spawn a child process and have the child process interact with the remote application on the other end of the connection.". That's why the interacting processes of posppd.exe, posppld.exe and possh.exe use this feature in all win32 environments besides Win95, Win98 and WinME for which a multi theaded routing mechanism with less data throughput is implemented. But unfortunately the socket handle inheritance can behave faulty due to bugs in possibly installed LSP software. In this case you will find stdin/stdout error traces in the log-file of the Poses++ Daemon. As a work around you can switch with -no_socket_inheritance to the behaviour implemented for Win95 and descendants.
    4.6.2. Poses++ licence daemon (posppld / posppld.exe) up down Contents
    The licence daemon posppld/posppld.exe will not react to command line options. But its behaviour can be controlled by the licence file .../Poses++ 1.7/etc/poses.lic (please study GPC mbH - Poses++ licences for details) and the configuration file .../Poses++ 1.7/etc/poses.cfg. The configuration file will be interpreted by a simple line keyword/options principle. Lines with unknown leading keywords will be ignored. The following keyword/options combinations are relevant to Poses++ licence daemon:

    licence server    host_or_ip    if the Poses++ daemon has no licences in its own authority because the file poses.lic is not existent or is not readable or an existent poses.lic is not prepared for the local machine (f.i. mac address did not match) the licence daemon will try to work as slave daemon connecting the specified ip address to find there a master daemon. A licence daemon without licences and without a specified licence server will try to find another machine in the local area network via a broadcast mechanism.
    licence trust    host_or_ip | network netmask    if the Poses++ daemon has licence authority it will accept by default request connections from slave daemonss from the local area network (broadcast area f.i in a "home" network: If additional slave ip addresses or networks should be allowed to connect and so to request licences such trust rules have to be specified.

    4.6.3. Poses++ shell (possh / possh.exe) up down Contents
    The Poses++ shell will try to interpret the first parameter as a tcl command. For more than one command you can sperate them by a ';'. A simple example: possh "puts stdout hello;exit". after intialization.

    4.6.4. Poses++ compiler (posppc / posppc.exe) up down Contents
    Options -b build_filename this option tell the compiler to produce a build file after compilation. A build file is a short tcl script which collects the necessary build information in tcl variables. This script is usefull to write a tcl based compile & build process like implemented in Poses++ shell which will write the build file to the same directory where the code files *.cod will be stored in.
    -c code_path this option tell the compiler a directory where the generated *.cod files should be stored in.
    -d if this option is switch on (default off) the compiler will generate specific debug support (not yet implemented).
    -i include_path with this option a directory can added to the list of directories the compiler will use searching include files.
    -l lib_path with this option a directory can added to the list of directories the compiler will use searching library source files.
    -m make_filename this option tell the compiler to produce a make file after compilation. This make file will contain the list of object code files and formal make file rules to be included in another make file frame which have to define the necessary makros before:
    -s this option forces the compiler in a silent mode where only the necessary minimum of information will be reported during the compilation process.
    -a this option switches on all possible compiling information (default is off). If switched on the compiler output will be increased so that every line every include and so on will reported usefull to implement a client dialog showing the compiler progress in detail (default is off).
    -t this option switches an "interactive" behaviour of the compiler on (default is off). This option is usefull for a a frontend development environment with automated watched source code editing.
    -u user_source_file with this option a C/C++ source file can be added to the list of user source files. The Poses++ compiler will not read them but will include information about it in the requested make or build file.
    -o this option switches optimization algorithms on (default: off).
    -w / -w- switched on with -w (which is default) the compiler will produce warning messages of various reasons. Switched of with -w- no warnings will be thrown.

    4.6.5. Poses++ server (pospp / pospp.exe) up down Contents
    Options -p port_number this option allows to install the connection listening service for of the Poses++ sever on the specified port if not yet in use. If no port is specified the server will select any free port for this listening service and so more than one server can be activated simultaneously.
    -t integer_value this option allows to set the trace level to increase the details and volume of trace information filled into the corresponding log file .../Poses++ 1.7/var/pospp.log
    -a alias_string this option sets any string as an alias.
    -c cppid_string this option sets the cppid which the caller expects and which the server should compare against its binary build parameters.
    -s port_number this option forces the Poses++ server after initialization to send its listening port number via UDP to the given port number and is so a short way for the caller to get back the port of the Poses++ server after start. Another way is to ask the Poses++ daemon via getserver.
    -u username this option allow to specify which user account should be expected.

    4.6.6. Poses++ console (posconsole / posconsole.exe) up down Contents
    Similar to the Poses++ shell will the Poses++ console try to interpret the parameters as tcl syntax. If more than one parameter are present Poses++ console will concat them by a space speparator and will then evaluate the whole string as a tcl command. So the example: posconsole "puts stdout hello;exit" will lead to the same behaviour like posconsole puts stdout hello;exit.

    4.7. Hardware and Software Environment up down Contents

    Simulation server

    Poses++ server components are available for Linux on x86 and x86_64 CPUs. The binaries for other UNIX platforms are not longer part of our distribution. To build models the C++ compiler GNU gcc is necessary. With its help shared loadable binary model code will be generated for the simulation server. Poses++ accepts various versions of GNU gcc. A list you will find in readme.txt. These compiler versions are not fully compatible to each other. They differ in symbol generation in object files for C++ source code (name mangling). Thats why you can only use a compiler Poses++ is prepared for.
    Summary: 32/64-bit Linux, C++ compiler GNU gcc
    The simulation server components are available for 32-bit MS-Windows® platforms on x86 CPUs too. To build shared loadable model binary code (*.dll) the simulation server will need an installed C++ compiler. Poses++ accepts the command line compiler and linker from Borland® and Microsoft®. In readme.txt you will find a list of the various releases Poses++ is prepared to work with. The machine running as Poses++ simulation server need to be installed with a properly configured TCP/IP environment.
    Summary: 32-bit MS-Windows® / C++ compiler from Borland or Microsoft

    Client applications

    The Poses++ client side applications are available fo 32-bit MS-Windows® platforms on x86 CPUs. A Poses++-Client-API (posclient.dll, is available for Linux too. All Poses++ software tasks communicate via TCP/IP. Thats why a properly installed TCP/IP environment is necessary.
    Summary: 32-bit MS-Windows®

    4.8. Contact & Copyright up end of page Contents

    phone +49-37606-86751
    address GPC mbH, Stangengrüner Str. 68, D-08485 Lengenfeld, (Germany)

    Poses++ is a product of GPC Gesellschaft für Prozeßautomation & Consulting mbH
    copyright © 1996..2009 GPC mbH.
    All rights reserved.

    Poses++ is free software with licence thresholds. Please refer licence.txt. In case you want to follow the development history you can read details in changes.txt.

    Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

    Back home mail copyright © Andrae Behrens 05/24/2023
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